Friday, June 12, 2009

the first blog...

so i have finally jumped in the arena of blogging... and i guess i should comment on what "momentary pauses" is going to be. this will be my place to ask questions, make observations, rant, and spew some of the creative little bits that fire up like arcing electrical shorts in my life. in short, i have no idea what to expect: these are, after all, "momentary pauses. annie dillard wrote in The Writing Life that writing is like a tunnel the you dig, and you follow the words where they take you until you break the surface again, hopefully where you need to be, hopefully in a familiar place...

its been a long time coming. as a pastor, a seeker, a poet, a musician, and an athlete, my string of consciousness is not the typical. all i hope is to capture some beauty and sow seeds of thought and reflection with whomever stumbles across this blog.