Thursday, April 26, 2012

Killing bees

We killed a colony of bees today and it really has me down.  I mean, they were just doing what bees do: establish a colony, collect pollen, make honey...nobody had been stung, but in the name of safety, we had to do something...and according to the bee guy, there was no way of removing them without destroying them.  I could tell that he felt bad about it too.

I feel bad because we have a bee shortage in California...we are losing our honey bee population at an alarming rate, which is bad news for plants and farmers and our over-all eco-system.  We need bees, but they were in a inconvenient place and posed a possible threat to the humans who come in and out of our least those who are allergic to them...but they were just doing what God had created them to do and be.

How often do we destroy or cast-off or kill those things we deem as inconvenient?  How often do we deem something dangerous and overlook its God-created uniqueness and place in the world?  Years ago, something clicked in me about how we humans are not the center of the universe: creation doesn't serve us.  We are a part of the whole, complex system that has ways of balancing and correcting itself when it falls into imbalance...I am tired of the way we move into areas, then eliminate the native, indigenous wildlife as nuisances and threats to safety when all they are trying to do is live where they were born.  I am also afraid, that one day the earth will put itself back into balance and humanity will be reminded who really wears the pants in this world...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

visualtheology: Imagining the Lectionary: Going Underground (Easter 2B)

visualtheology: Imagining the Lectionary: Going Underground (Easter 2B)

I love The Jam.  I love Jesus.  I don't like politics...but two out of three ain't bad.  Great article on one of the ways Easter speaks to the world we live in...